Appendix B: Data integration tasks


Action (Sussex Wide)


Lead Officer

Internal /External partners involved


·      Expand role of the Sussex Covid Data and Modelling Group to include data integration to support Local Outbreak Control Plans at a Sussex and UTLA level.


·      Readjusting plans to reflect what the JBC will provide to local areas.




Sussex wide Data and Modelling Group (membership above)

·      Complete work on early warning indicators for subsequent waves of the pandemic and modelling of these waves based upon the assumptions published by SAGE and working.



Data and Modelling Group, University of Sussex (modelling)


·      Map and secure regular automated dataflows from a variety of organisations to provide the intelligence to support our system. This includes but is not limited to data from the national testing programme, the community testing programme (SECAMB/Mobile Testing Units (MTU), and the national contact tracing programme UKHSA, HPT, NHS.


Note: It is currently unclear whether the national JBC will provide a single source of data. This includes data to provide evidence of inequalities and high-risk groups.



Sussex wide Data and Modelling Group (membership above)





Local data group for vulnerable groups cell

·      Provide updates as requested to senior managers and local Members, and report to the PH Functional Cell and respond to external requests for information.



East Sussex CC


·      Work closely with the local HPT, lead PH Consultant to establish systems to identify and examine outbreaks.




East Sussex CC


·      Liaise with District and Borough councils to ensure accessing and sharing of data relating to local outbreaks, settings, and events.


·      Establish named contacts for data in each of the local authorities, specifically in relation to:

o  Communities at higher risk of infection and the impact of COVID

o  Specific settings and events at a local level


Note: it is anticipated that named contacts should, at least, include Environmental Health staff, and community development / engagement.




East Sussex CC